
Str8ts discussion with Jeff Widderich and Andrew Stuart.
Stellen Sie hier Fragen an Str8ts-Erfinder Jeff Widderich und Andrew Stuart.

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Post by Dev_Null » Wednesday 22. February 2012, 18:31

I apologise if this is an incredibly basic question, but what is a setti?

I avoided reading too much on the strategies of str8ts, because I wanted to see what I could figure out on my own, but in the comments for some puzzles (this weeks extreme #87, for example) I often see people saying that "settis" are required. Since I solved it, I assume I'm using them, but I don't know which technique goes with the name. And googling for "setti" - even in combination with "str8t" - mostly gets me pages about aliens...

I ask, because somewhere along the line I did read something about a technique involving listing out, for each column and row, which values _must_ be present, and which _might_ be present. Then you compare the counts for both columns and rows, and sometimes you can determine where some of the "maybes" are actually "musts", simply because a given digit must appear in the same number of columns as rows. I'd like to know the name of that technique (I assume it has a name, since I learned it from someone else, though I can't remember where.) I thought perhaps it might be the mysterious "setti".

Neither technique seems to get a mention on the official str8ts strategy page.

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Re: Settis?

Post by Daniel » Tuesday 6. March 2012, 09:13

Hi Dev_Null,

look at this great strategy manual from SlowThinker:
(forum entry:

I think settis should be explained there.


Posts: 4
Joined: Tuesday 3. August 2010, 19:07

Re: Settis?

Post by Dev_Null » Wednesday 14. March 2012, 19:13

Thanks Daniel! I did actually find that, and it is an excellent guide.

The reason why I asked in the first place was that I wanted to discuss the method that I'm using to implement - the thing that turns out to be a Setti. Is there an active forum for general strategy discussion? This one seems a bit dead...

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