Solution/discussion of

Str8ts discussion with Jeff Widderich and Andrew Stuart.
Stellen Sie hier Fragen an Str8ts-Erfinder Jeff Widderich und Andrew Stuart.

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Solution/discussion of

Post by Rübennase » Tuesday 20. December 2022, 00:48

It's been requested that we stop posting detailed solution paths on Not everybody wants to see them there. Fair enough: what has been seen cannot be unseen. This shouldn't keep those of us who want to discuss a solution from doing so. So, let's see how this forum works for this!

After relatively straightforward (BX) eliminations (including Setti 4 for col 9, and realizing that box 2 contains 2 and 8, so col 6 misses 19), we arrive at a board like this:
Screenshot 2022-12-20 at 00.25.05.png
Screenshot 2022-12-20 at 00.25.05.png (117.33 KiB) Viewed 15547 times
Here's where the fun starts :)
* Setti 3: if box 1 contains 3, then in A23; eliminate from rest of box
* 2fish 7 /\: H4!=7
* 3-fish 9 E/\
* D5!=9 (B power)
* Setti 9: if A8=9, C3=B5=9, A5=7 --> A2!=7, box +col 1 contain 7
* CE: B5!=6 (if B5!=9, A8=7-->B8=6 via J8)
* CE: A5!=6 (C3=7 via \, but C3=9 via Setti 9 after E4=6,E2=9)
* Setti 9: B5!=5, C3!=7
* An interesting "B-based wing" on 5 made of H34, AG5, where the base cells H4,G5 are coupled via B power and the link between AG5 is through Setti 5: A3!=5
* HC: B7!=7 (A5=5-->B7=9, A5=7-->B7=1 via C2; alternatively conflict loop B7=7-->A8=7 via C8, C2, A2, A5)

Funny that most useful tricks should revolve around 9 of all digits. I don't see that a lot.

I'm curious if anyone found an easier solution :)

Posts: 13
Joined: Sunday 18. December 2022, 00:12

Re: Solution/discussion of

Post by Rübennase » Tuesday 20. December 2022, 12:04

Simplification: after 3fish 9,
* CE: C8!=9 (trivial if A8=9; if A8=7, G1=3, H7=1, B7=9)
* CE 6 in box 1
* CE: B7!=7 (trivial if A5=5; if A5=7, C2=1, C8=7)

Funny how smoothly difficult puzzles collapse, once you poke at the right place. :o

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